Recently, I downloaded and installed a latest version of VLC Media Player but an error message displays when I try to run this player.
What is HandBrake?
Can I know the following error’s reason?
Please suggest me to fix this error as soon as possible.
I would be appreciated for any help.
HandBrake could not find VLC or your VLC is incompatible (Note: 32 bit vlc is not compatible with 64 bit HandBrake and vice-versa).
Please download and install VLC media player if you wish to read encrypted DVDs.
Hand brake could not find VLC
As the error message is clear that Hand Brake could not find VLC because VLC is 32-bit and Hand Brake is 64-bit , and VLC is not available in 64-bit.Â
In the latest version of VLC 2.0, libdvdcss is not available as individual dylib, and so the Hand Brake cannot use VLC’s libdvdcss for DVD decryption.
To solve this, install libdvdcss.2.dylib in usr/lib or usr/local/lib using this link:
To check successful installation Go to Open > Applications > Utilities > Terminal > Type the following Command > Press Return:
file /usr/lib/libdvdcss.2.dylib
The successful installation prompts following output:
/usr/lib/libdvdcss.2.dylib: Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures
/usr/lib/libdvdcss.2.dylib (for architecture i386):Â Â Mach-O dynamically linked shared library i386
/usr/lib/libdvdcss.2.dylib (for architecture x86_64):Â Â Mach-O 64-bit dynamically linked shared library x86_64