Google earth flight simulator controls Macbook air
Yes it is possible to utilize Google Earth Flight simulator on your MacBook Air. Follow the steps below to achieve it:
1, Launch Google Earth and then go to Tools and Flight Simulator.
2. Press  + Option + A on your Air keyboard.
3. The Flight Simulator window will open. Choose on the following criteria:
 – Aircraft
– Start Position
– Joystick Support
4. To close the Flight Simulator, simply click the Exit Flight Simulator
Thanks 🙂
Google earth flight simulator controls Macbook air
Entering Flight Simulator
To enter the flight simulator, do one of the following:
- Click Tools > Enter Flight Simulator
- Press CTRL + Alt + A ( + Option + A on the Mac)
The Flight Simulator dialog box appears. You need to chose the following:
- Aircraft – Choose the airplane you would like to fly based on the descriptions shown. The SR22 is a slower plane and easier for beginners.
- Start Position – Choose where you would like to begin.
- Joystick support – Check Joystick enabled if there is a joystick device on your computer that you would like to use.
To change these settings, exit the flight simulator and press CTRL + Alt + A ( + Option + A on the Mac)
To view this page at any time, press CTRL + H. (Windows and Linux only).
To exit the flight simulator, do one of the following:
- Click Exit Flight Simulator
- Press CTRL + Alt + A or Escape (+ Option + A or Escape on the Mac).