Google chrome slows little bit
There are a lot of possible causes for this. It could be a computer, browser or internet connection.
COMPUTER: When you double click on the Google Chrome Icon to open the browser, the application or Google Chrome doesn't pop up immediately. This applies to other applications on your computer, especially the larger ones.
BROWSER: When you use other browser's like: Mozilla, Internet Explorer, Opera, etc.; page opens immediately – no problem browsing. Problem only occurs when using Google Chrome.
INTERNET: When Google Chrome pops up but the page or website doesn't open up, no matter what site you go to and no matter what type of browser you use.
Use other browsers and surf the net. If it's not working, it might be an internet connection problem. If it is working, it could be a browser issue. Read possible solutions below, you may choose whichever applies.
Clear the Cache and Cookies of your Google Chrome by clicking on the Wrench icon, found on the top right of your Google Chrome >> Click OPTIONS >> Under the Hood >> Clear Browsing Data >> place a check mark on all of the boxes, choose OBLITERATE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS FROM: the beginning of time>>then click on Clear browsing data. Once that is done, Close all open browsers and OPEN Google CHROME. Browse at least 2 or 3 different websites, this is to check if there is no problem with the specific site you are browsing caused by traffic, etc. This is one solution to your case.
If you're still experiencing the same problem.
Use a different browser like Mozilla, Internet Explorer, Opera. If you are experiencing the same problem, there's a possibility that it could be your internet connection. Check if you have other programs running, such as Yahoo Messenger, or other applications running that uses internet connection, stop/close/or exit them out for the meantime. Some applications are minimized and are shown in your System Tray, Right Click and then Exit/Logout/Close. Try to connect again on the Internet.
Are you on a wireless (no cable to pc) or wired (using a cable to your pc) connection? Public or Private?
For WIRELESS Private Connection, make sure you have set up a password for your wireless router or modem/router (provided by your ISP), BECAUSE unauthorized users will be able to connect to your internet and this slows your internet connection, the SPEED of your connection is divided to the number of users connected. For router or modem/router password configuration, I suggest you contact your Internet Service Provider. They can assist you with your internet connection concerns and modem/router configuration.
It may be your antivirus whether its perfectly running or not, depending on the type of antivirus you are using. Some would consume internet connection or is updating. For this, either contact your ISP if they support it or contact the customer service for your antivirus for further assistance.
If neither of the above solutions are working, you may want to reinstall or upgrade your Google chrome to a newer version. It is advisable that we should have at least 2 browsers on our computer, just in case the other browser crashes, you can still use the other browser to surf the net, troubleshoot or download a new browser to replace the other one that crashed. Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox are widely used. If you only have 1 browser available and it's not working, you can use other computer's to redownload Google Chrome.
Go to ""
Click "Download Google Chrome" button.
You'll have a pop up. Click "Accept and Install"
You'll get another pop up box to save the file name "ChromeSetup" or "CromeSetup.exe". Click Save Button.
If there is no pop-up you can click on "Click here" if you have trouble downloading. This should bring out the box for you to save the "ChromeSetup" or "CromeSetup.exe".
After Downloading, look for the file name. Double click to install, just follow the instructions. This should solve your Browser issue. Your old Google chrome is replaced with a fresh and newer version.