Get WiFi Access to 3 Devices Only

How can I setup my WiFi to only permit only 3 devices (phone, laptop, tablet) to gain WiFi access from my own wireless router? My router is TP-LINK Wireless Lite N Router WR740N.

How can I setup my WiFi to only permit only 3 devices (phone, laptop, tablet) to gain WiFi access from my own wireless router? My router is TP-LINK Wireless Lite N Router WR740N.
The truth is that you can’t set up your router to only let that devices connect to it. What you can do is set up a password, it’s called WPA2 in your router settings, and this is encrypted in 128bit, so it’s really hard to manipulate. And when you want to connect to your router you will be asked to type in the password, and you type the pass only once because Windows will automatically remember that pass, and it will connect automatically when that selected network is in range. This is true on all the three devices you spoke of.
Hello Alden.
Aside from the usual WEP, WPA, or WPA2 security with pre-shared key, you can also limit access to your router by changing the following settings:
1. Turning off DHCP – You will have to set static IP addresses on your devices since the router will not assign IP addresses anymore. If you still want to use DHCP, limit the pool size to 3 only. For example:
You could set the Starting IP to and the Ending IP as
2. MAC address filtering – Next you should reserve the 3 available IPs to your 3 devices via their MAC addresses.
3. Turning off SSID broadcast will limit the number of users who can detect your wifi connection.
4. Lowering radio strength level will also help by limiting the effective range of your router. Set to the desired level if you will be mostly using it within your home.
Hope this helps!