Free Download Of Decision Tree Excel Add-In.

How to download free decision tree excel add-in? How to use tree plan add-in in excel since on opening excel I cannot see add-on option?

How to download free decision tree excel add-in? How to use tree plan add-in in excel since on opening excel I cannot see add-on option?
Decision tree excel add-in can be downloaded on trial basis from the following website:
1. Solution Tree at
2. Tree Plan at
3. Precision Tree at
4. Tree Age at
To use tree plan add-in follow the instructions given bellow:
• Click on the tree plan add-in. It will open excel asking to enable macros.
• Click on enable macros so that your tree plan works properly.
• Now open worksheet.
• If tree plan is loaded correctly you will see an add-ins ribbon. Click on it.
• On clicking add-in, you will see menu buttons for tree plan.
• All three buttons call the Tree Plan software so you can click on any of these to open it.
• On clicking it, you will be prompted for a new tree, click on it.
• It will open a basic tree whose structure and contents can be altered by you.
NOTE: Whenever you open Excel make sure you open it from the add-in and not in the standard way like from windows menu because on opening it from windows menu add-in is disabled.