Fixing a missing shortcut link

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How can I fix a shortcut icon that is no longer linked to the correct file?

Best Answer by Lesten Pasio
Answered By 0 points N/A #195242

Fixing a missing shortcut link


You have to follow the following procedure to fix this problem. All of the procedure ate given below:

First, delete existing shortcut icon. Be sure where original file located before delete shortcut icon. Then go to the folder or drive where original file located. Click on the file and press right hand button. A menu will come. Lots of option will be there. Among all of them you will see an option mane “send to”.

Click on that option or just go there. A new option chart will open, where you will see the desktop, document etc. click where you want to create shortcut. Your shortcut is created where you wanted.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 40 points N/A #127469

Fixing a missing shortcut link


Hi there, 

It seems you are having trouble with System shortcuts.

You can just double click the shortcut item then windows will analyze the missing file and try to find it itself by searching in all your local drives, If Windows cant find means it will tell you to browse and find the correct location of the .lnk file (link).

Just browse through the drives and locate the correct file and then click ok.

Windows will automatically update the address of the given file and add in the missing shortcut, and then the shortcut will become valid.

I hope my solution is clear for you, and this solves your problems with shortcuts.


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