Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at localhost

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Dear Perl Programmers!

I created this script and run. But there is an error arises "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost". Is there any technical problem???

Unable to connect

Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost.


$start = $ENV{'HTTP_REFERER'};
$this_server = "http://localhost/";

print "Content-type:text/htmlnn </html>";
if ($start = ~m/$this_server/i)
print "<b>OK: </b>Script accessed from this serverr."}
print "<b>Unauthorized Access : </b><br>";
print "Script cannot run from that location!"
print "</html>";

Answered By 0 points N/A #118757

Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at localhost


HI there,

The first thing your going to do is to ensure that you have an access in network  internet connection.

You can see this below your desktop.

Checking it in your start up menu makes it very clear that you have connection.

This is an example that i have a connection.

But if you can see any "RED" X mark on it, That means your are not connected to any local area connection.

First: You can fix this by trying to see the Cable that plug unto it. Make sure that this has no defect.

Second: Try to reconnect the cable and insert it back again, maybe the cable is not plug in well.

If it is "Triangular Shape" with fluctuation mark occur, Then your connection to CABLE is FINE but you have no internet/LAN connection running.

To fix this, you can just  RIGHT click the set internet connection located below the desktop." appears like a small monitor"

Click the word " open network and sharing center".

Find and CLICK the "Change adapter setting" at its side.

One's your in, Right CLICK the "LOCAL AREA CONNECTION" and click DISABLE.

After clicking the disable, "ENABLE" it again

Wait until your connected.

IF THIS SOLUTION IS NOT SOLUTE THE PROBLEM. Call the hotline of the Internet Company you applied for.

The other solution is to install the DRIVER of your motherboard. Just try it.

MAYBE this can help too.

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