Hi All,
I need to have a file content change tracking tool, that will find the content changes in a particular excel file that is kept confidential. I am having the file in my office computer and would like to have a file content change tracking tool, that may clearly track and show the changes made in that, so that I can also refer the changes or can easily find, if anyone has made it. Please suggest a tracking tool or any method to do that.
Angela Martinez
File content change tracking tool
You can track changes in your excel file from your office computer using the track changes tool, built in MS Excel. As soon as you allow your file to track changes, it will allow sharing your file with other users. Following are the steps for tracking changes in Excel
Step 1:Using Highlight Changes: Useful when less changes are expected in the worksheet,the changes will be highlighted on the worksheet.
In Microsoft Excel 2007, Navigate to Review Tab > Track Changes > Highlight Changes.
This allows the file to be used by more than one user at the same time. You can restrict the access to the excel file by restricting the When, Who and Where boxes. Check the boxes as shown in the figure and save the Excel worksheet.

Now, you can track any changes made to the excel worksheet by a small triangle in corner.
Step 2: Using Track Change History. This will allow you to create a new worksheet showing all the changes done to the Excel file.
Again, Navigate to Review > Track changes > Highlight Changes, then select “List changes on a new Sheet” in the dialog box.

Next, you can remove the history worksheet either by saving your file else by deselecting the list changes on a new sheet.
Step 3: Selecting change history period.
Under Advanced Tab, > Track Changes > select “ Keep change history for … days box and enter the number of days in the box, for which you want to track changes.