Fermi and Keplar Architecture of Nvidia’s Graphics Card

Between the 2 different chip designs which one is better at performance ? How these chips work ? And which one uses less power ?

Between the 2 different chip designs which one is better at performance ? How these chips work ? And which one uses less power ?
Basically it all depends on what you want to accomplish from your graphics card. Because there are two things that people want, either a best gaming experience or a great graphics performance overall in other software too like Adobe After Effects etc.
I myself own a GTX560Ti which is base on fermi chipset and i am pretty satisfied with its performance.
According to Nvidia itself, they say that the Kepler is faster than the Fermi. But according to few critics on the web, they consider that the new series of Kepler cards deliver more greater performance in applications rather than in games compared to the cards that where designed on the Fermi Architecture.
For example, the GTX 580 based on fermi is better for gaming but the gtx680 based on Kepler is better for graphical work.