The features and benefits of using equalizers with my computer

Asked By 80 points N/A Posted on -


I am juts new hear. Can you tell me something about equalizers in computer? I would like to ask about FabFilter Pro-Q 2. What are the best features for using it? What are the system requirements for this software? Can you give me what are the special features of this software? Can you give more information on what are the pros and cons of this? Which platform will it work? Can you tell me what are the supports that I can get if there’s any problem with it?

Thank you!

Answered By 5 points N/A #191276

The features and benefits of using equalizers with my computer


Equalizer is a software that is used in sound production, and sound editing, Sound engineers use Equalizers to alter frequency response of audio, Fab filter q2 is amazing equalizer, It contains some unique features that make it shine, Some of its key features are:

1- Natural Phase mode

2- Full Screen mode

3- Spectrum Grab

4- universal slope support for all EQ filter shapes

5- EQ Match mode

Here are the minimum requirements 


Windows requirements:

32-bit: Windows 8, 7, Vista or XP

64-bit: Windows 8, 7 or Vista (x64)

VST 2/3 host or Pro Tools

Mac OS X requirements:

32-bit: OS X 10.5 or higher

64-bit: OS X 10.6 or higher

AU or VST 2/3 host or Pro Tools

Intel processor


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