Failure to launch Help Client message from Adobe Encore

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hello Experts,

I get a ‘Failed to launch Help Client’ error message when I launch the help client in Adobe Encore CS6. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling this software a couple of times. But every time, I end up this error message. Why is the Help Client refusing to launch? I find that in my most recently downloaded version of Encore, the Help Manager is also present. What else can I do to fix this issue? Can someone suggest a way to manually copy the missing file alone to the specified location, so that I need not go in for another uninstall, reinstall and discard the downloaded version cycle? Thanks a lot. Regards

Failed to launch Help Client

Answered By 10 points N/A #178149

Failure to launch Help Client message from Adobe Encore


The help content may not be available in the source package from where you are installing the Adobe product. All help contents, however, can be downloaded from Help Manager utility. The utility will allow you to download placeholder PDF’s and you won’t see the error anymore. In order to do that you need to follow the following steps: –

Open the Adobe Help utility from the Applications folder & select general settings.

Click the Download button from General Settings-> preferences.

Once the interim PDFs are downloaded, the Help Manager will unzips the files for you and place them in the proper directory.

Exit the Help Manager.


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