Explain Microsoft Word 2007 Business Card Template Making

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

How can I create Microsoft Word 2007 business card template? Please tell me how to design a business card step by step with the use of the just only word?

Answered By 0 points N/A #289365

Explain Microsoft Word 2007 Business Card Template Making


Microsoft Word 2007 and the higher one have a very simple process for the business card template making.

You can do it in simple few steps.

  1. Click on the mailing tab on the top.
  2. Open the Labels icon.
  3. Choose the option on the bottom of the prompt box.
  4. In the Label Vendors, choose Avery US Latter.
  5. Select the product number. For the business card, mark 5371, 5376 or 5377.
  6. Fill your details and print it as you want

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