I recently got stuck with an iPhone 5, and I say that because I don't like it. It is way to complicated, and I think that Galaxy S3 is better. Anyway, since on my Galaxy I had several SMS application, I started looking for them but related to iPhone. The only one that I can not manage to install is Handcent, I guess that you guys know about it, and are familiar with it and that is why I ask you to help me, and provide me some instructions on how to install Handcent on iPhone 5. Thank you so much for your help.
Explain how to install Handcent on iPhone 5
• Handcent SMS (for iPhone) is an impressive, customized and 100 % free SMS/MMS app that definitely produces the text texting potential of your iPhone.
Handcent SMS functions recommended online development with My Hand cent Consideration allowing clients to prevent the limitations of iOS and WiFi suppliers. As well as all the functions of the built-in Messaging app, Handcent SMS has some outstanding additional features: pop-up realises, mixture program emoji support, customized client interface and enhance MMS support. More new functions arriving soon!
Lasted Version: 2.8 [ 2013-04-03 ] Needs iOS 3 and up .you need to follow the weblink and acquire the handcent then set up it on your iPhone
• The Handcent SMS app functions on jailbroken iPhone devices. Do not about jailbroken! It is definitely legal and simple to operate. Jailbroken not only will not harm your program in any way, but also let you appreciate more outstanding programs like HandcentSMS.Here are the set up activities for your reference:
1) Jailbreaking.
• Jailbreak your iPhone program, which requires around 15 minutes.
2) Launch Cydia.
• Cydia is just like Oatmeal App Store. It just got set up after jailbroken as an icon on your iPhone desktop.
3) Get into Cydia and just click "Search" option.
4) Kind "HandcentSMS" into the Look for Bar and select HandcentSMS in look for.
5) Choose "Install" in HandcentSMS details website.
6) Set up documentation, select "Confirm" option.
7) It will take a few minutes to acquire and set up, please be patient.
8) After the set up is completed, please Restart SpringBoard.
9) Discover "Handcent SMS" icon on your iPhone desktop. Then, encounter the fun of HandcentSMS.