Every reboot Bad pool header appears

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Every time i boot, the message "Bad_Pool_Header" appears even before the windows logo is completed.

The blue screen with the message Bad Pool Header appears every time I try to boot my Desktop.

I am Currently using Windows 7.

I tried reinstalling the operating system, but the same message appears after the installation.

The image below shows the error.

Answered By 590495 points N/A #85771

Every reboot Bad pool header appears


Since you are already seeing this blue screen error quite often and even while installing a fresh copy of Windows Vista, it is not the software that is causing this error.

Try checking the hard drive if it is properly connected inside the CPU. Check its cable, the ribbon cable and the supply cable including its jumper setting, check if it is set correctly. Check if the RAM memory card is securely attached in its slots.

Check the video card, if you are using a separate card, if it is properly attached in the slot. Check the network card and all other expansion cards if they are properly attached in their respective slots.

If all seems well and secure, the next to do is the hard drive’s partition. Since you are in the process of installing a new copy of Windows Vista on your computer, delete drive C’s partition and create a new partition for Windows Vista. Format it normally and avoid using quick format. Install Windows Vista after formatting.

If while installing Windows Vista the blue screen error appeared again, remove all attached expansion cards in the CPU.

If your motherboard has a built-in video card, use it for the meantime. If you are sure that the RAM memory card is ok don’t remove it. Restart the installation.

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