Error Wii Error Code 209600 Flashing

I am facing problem connecting the internet services of Nintendo and an error code Wii error Code 209600 is flashing on my screen once I try to go to online the services. Can anyone help in this regard?

I am facing problem connecting the internet services of Nintendo and an error code Wii error Code 209600 is flashing on my screen once I try to go to online the services. Can anyone help in this regard?
In order to solve this problem you can follow multiple process, as anyone could be responsible the error code. First, you need to power cycle the console. If the error is solved then it is fine or else you need to verify any wireless interference suffered by the unit. If still the problem is recurring then check your DNS settings. Hope the error code will be clear.
If your Nintendo gaming console is flashing error code “209600” on your screen, check that the type of internet connection you are using is compatible with the Wii console’s online service. The Nintendo Wii console supports the following broadband internet connection: cable, DSL, and fiber optic. Many services work best when using an internet connection with speeds of 1 Mbps or more.
It is not recommended to use wireless internet like 3G or 4G including satellite internet services because users may experience performance issues like latency during online play or the inability to use some features. For more info, go to What Do I Need to Connect Online? If you verify you have a supported internet, try changing the channel of your Wi-Fi router to 1 or 11.
Most Wi-Fi routers support a channel range of 1 through 11. The best channels to try are normally 1 and 11 because they don’t overlap with other channels. If this doesn’t help, try moving your Nintendo console closer to your Wi-Fi router.