Error: “Toshiba flash cards have stopped working.”

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I have an error message saying “Toshiba flash cards have stopped working.” My Concern is how can I address this problem and what does this error mean?

I am getting a fault information .NET.Framework. Does anybody know how to resolve this problem? I cannot log off my system. I have talked to my personal computer supplier and even he is unable to resolve this issue.

Answered By 20 points N/A #98351

Error: “Toshiba flash cards have stopped working.”


Hi Hansmith,

Visual representation of the FN functions is what your computer is referring to when it says Toshiba flash cards. If you are getting the message, it means that there might be some errors or issues on your function keys. Like if you press FN+F9, it should enable and disable the touchpad but it is not doing that. You just need to reset the Flash cards to take away the error. If you are using Windows Vista or 7, you just need to go to Start > Search or Search Programs and Files > Look for Reset Flash Card on the file box then hit Start. You just need to click on it and that should work.


Answered By 590495 points N/A #311255

Error: “Toshiba flash cards have stopped working.”


I think the problem there is with the Toshiba FlashCard program. This program runs with Windows by default that’s why you normally receive this error when you shut down your computer or when you try to restart the machine. To fix the problem, just disable the FlashCard application from starting up with Windows.

To easily disable the program from starting up, download the free version of CCleaner and install it. Once installed, start CCleaner then go to “Tools” on the left pane and select “Startup” on the right. Now, in “Windows” tab on the right, scroll down and look for “Toshiba FlashCard”. Select it then click “Disable”. After this, restart the computer.

This should fix the problem.

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