Error Problem Arises As 0xc004f069 Error While Updating Of Windows

When the 0xc004f069 error occurs? Explain the steps to resolve the error code and the cause of this error message?

When the 0xc004f069 error occurs? Explain the steps to resolve the error code and the cause of this error message?
The time and region of the Windows or the BIOS are the possible reasons for the appearance of the error code. The solution to resolve the error message can be done by using the DISM command. Open the command prompt and run as administrator, then type the first command “DISM.exe /Online /Get-TargetEditions.” And press Enter. After that type, another command, “DISM /online /Set-Edition:ServerStandard/ProductKey:ENTER-THE SERIAL-KEY-HERE /AcceptEula.” This will take some time to complete the process, then reboot the system, and the key will be activated.
The error message display ‘An error has occurred.’ With the description, “The Software Licensing Service reported that the product SKU is not found.”