An error occurred while attempting to connect to your blog

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I am trying to connect with a blog site but I am getting failed because an error occurs. It states that Blog Server Error 405.

I am in trouble. Can anybody help me to resolve this matter.

I will be thankful to you.

An error occurred while attempting to connect to blog: Blog Server Error – Server Error 405 Occurred

Error Connecting to Blog

An error occurred while attempting to connect to your blog:

Blog Server Error – Server Error 405 Occurred

XML – RPC services are disabled on this blog. An admin user can enable

them at………………………………………………………………../blog/wp-admin/


You must correct this error before proceeding.

Best Answer by Russel C Brannon
Answered By 0 points N/A #176014

An error occurred while attempting to connect to your blog


Hello Melissa,

It’s a simple problem. Just don’t worry. Server Error 405 means the server couldn’t find any RPC services. Please follow the steps below:

Login to WordPress as an admin.

Click on the settings.

Select writing.

Select Remote publishing.

Check on ‘XML-RPC’.

I hope this will solve your problem.

Good Day.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 10 points N/A #176015

An error occurred while attempting to connect to your blog


Hello Melissa,

The blog you are trying to access is suspended by host provider or may be disabled by admin of the blog and can be visited once it's made available to visit.

This could be because there might be a virus or malware activity on the blog site or might be infiltrated by somebody else. So it is suspended.

If you are the admin, please login to WordPress and fix the problem or if it is acessed illegally please firstly change all your admin and html passwords.

For more help you can visit the WordPress website or contact your host provider.

Hope this helps you and happy blogging.


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