Error occurred upgrading the machine

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After upgrading my development machine (Win7 x64) and a few clients (Windows 2008R2 x64) to SP1 (x86), I started to get strange issues. Why I would get strange errors, such as ‘The setting your entered isn’t valid for this property, orAction Failed Error Number: 2950, or Runtime Error 3270 Property not found.?

Failed Error Number 2950


The expression On Change you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: The setting you entered isn’t valid for this property.

The expression may not result  in the name of a macro, the name of a user defined function, or [event Procedure].

There may have been an error evaluating the function, event,or macro.

Best Answer by Vincent Maez
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Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #171560

Error occurred upgrading the machine


Try to do the following:

1. Run the program with administrator rights;

2. Uninstall and then reinstall your other programs (Windows 2008R2 x64) to SP1 (x86) and see if it works properly after;

3. If these do not work, try running on 32 bit in the meantime.

Please note that the 64 bit upgrade is limited inb the sense that it does not allow a lot of add in s unlike 32 bit. In fact, you might very well be better off with 32 bit.

Answered By 0 points N/A #171561

Error occurred upgrading the machine


The most common reason for this is that you are upgrading to a 64 bit capable CPU while your computer is only on 32 bit Windows version To address this, do the following:

1. Start

2. Reboot using Windows 7 cd installer or USB flash disk

3. Select Custom option during Windows installation


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