Error message “URL ends with an invalid top..”

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hi guys, During I tried to get access on these site- or into GA URL – frequently I get an error message which informed me that: URL ends with an invalid top-level domain name – Please give me a solution. Thanks a lot

Best Answer by Carl Jack
Answered By 0 points N/A #95163

Error message “URL ends with an invalid top..”


The error you received means you are entering a website with incorrect URL address.

You may have included something in your address that is supposed to be not included.

Why not try to remove the username on your first URL, instead of typing

Just type Or you may also need to check if the address has been changed already. Or simply try removing the http:// on the address. Instead, just type

It should work now.


Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 10 points N/A #95164

Error message “URL ends with an invalid top..”


Hello Silva,

You will need to check if you might be associated with the following:  If you are, then you might be violating the double-serving policy – that is if you are trying to bid on the same keywords.  But in the event that you are not associated with that site, then it is most probable that you are violating a trademark.  

Google can sometimes take a hard as well as a confusing line when it comes to not giving you information that could be construed for instance giving out information about your competitors. So you will need to check such issues.




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