Error message pop up window occurs unexpectedly

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

When I try to import an organization into CRM, an error message pop up window occurs unexpectedly which you can see in the below attached image. How can I resolve this issue? Any idea. Please help me.


At least the setup user needs to be mapped before this organization can be imported.

Import Organization Wizard

At least the setup user needs to be mapped before this organization can be imported.

Best Answer by Robert F McMiller
Answered By 10 points N/A #174296

Error message pop up window occurs unexpectedly



This is a very common problem.

You can resolve your issue by visiting the following link:

This link would take you to a page which would provide step by step process on how you can resolve your issue. It also has screen shots which should be quite helpful.

Hope that helps!

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #174297

Error message pop up window occurs unexpectedly


Although this is a serious problem but it's not impossible to solve this problem. Please follow the procedure mentioned below.

> You will have to update the following.

"Access mode" and "Setup user".

> Then go to Start – All Programs – Microsoft Dynamics CRM – Deployment Manager.

> Select "Import Organization".

> Change the SQL server name, click "Organization" and then "Next". Write any display name and select "Next".

> Type the report server name and select "Next".

> Manually map users are selected and select "Next".

> Select "Import: and then "Finish".

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