Error box shown while generating an OneNote notebook in SharePoint

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Hi guys,

While generating an OneNote notebook in SharePoint I received an error message.
I received the error message frequently whenever I tried to generate a notebook. Have a look at the error message below.
It is indicating several possible reasons. However, I have no idea for the error message.
Please help me to fix it.
Thank you.
microsoft onenote error
OneNote cannot create a new notebook at: 
XXXXX/Shared Documents/OneNote/test2/
Possible reasons include:
-The specified location is not available.
-You do not have permissions to modify the specified location.
-The path or notebook name contains invalid characters.
-The combined path and notebook name exceeds the minimum path length.
Adjust the path and notebook name, and try again.


Answered By 0 points N/A #134927

Error box shown while generating an OneNote notebook in SharePoint


Use the following workaround to resolve the issue:

  • On the Share menu, click Create Shared Notebook.
  • And then type a name for the shared notebook. After that choose the notebook template that you want to use.
  • Click Next, and then click Multiple people will share the notebook, and then click On a server.
  • Click Next, and then type the path of the Windows SharePoint Services server, and then click Browse.
  • After that choose the document library that you want to use, and then click Select.
  • Click Create.



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