I have just updated my computer and after that an error appeared on the screen saying WINDOWS UPDATE_0000737D and WINDOWS UPDATE_dt000.
Does anyone know what this means?
Do I need to reinstall something?
I am also confused why my computer installs updates whenever I turn it off.
I did not press any command to install anything.
Please help me.
Error After Computer Update: Windows Update_0000737D and Update_dt000
This error is related to SQL Server installed in your system.
When you upgraded the windows, there were some registry files that were changed during the process and now the SQL server services are causing this error.
You need to install the SQL Server hotfix. The name is SQL 2005 SP3 Hotfix KB970892.
If you are unable to download the hotfix then you can try using the offline hotfix installer to do it automatically. Click the link here and it will redirect you to the site.
After you did the downloading and installation then apply the patch.
Restart your computer after the process completes and see if it happens.
If you still get the error, it is time to reinstall the SQL Server in your system.
You can also go to this link and see for any posts that can help you.