Error 310 Too Many Redirects

So I have been trying to open a website, but there is a dialog which says ‘error 310 too many redirects’. What does this mean and how to fix this error?

So I have been trying to open a website, but there is a dialog which says ‘error 310 too many redirects’. What does this mean and how to fix this error?
Hey there, there seems to be some time-mismatch of your system to the internet.
First of all, try clearing cookies of the browser. Re-start the browser. Then, do these steps:
1. Click on the Windows taskbar > Adjust time and date.
2. Ensure that ‘Set time automatically’ is checked and ‘Time zone’ reads the name of your region.
Hope it helps!
The full error reads ”Error 310 (net::ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS): there were too many redirects”. This problem is common to browsers and you may receive it in any browser you are using. To fix the problem, one workaround is to clear your browsing history including cookies. On your browser, press CTRL + SHIFT + DELETE to bring up the clear browsing dialog.
Check the options for browsing history, download history, cookies, and cached images except password and autofill data and then click to clear the browsing data. Try visiting the site again and see if it works. If this doesn’t work, another way is to synchronize your computer’s date and time. This method worked for some users.
Double-click the time on your system tray to bring up the “Date and Time Properties” window. On this screen or window, go to “Internet Time” tab then make sure “Automatically synchronize with an Internet time server” is checked. From the “Server” dropdown list, select “” and click “Update Now.”
If an error appears, select “” instead then update again. After this, adjust the date on your computer to the current date. When you are finished, click “OK” then close Google Chrome if it is open and then open it again. Visit the site again that causes the error then see if it works.