Enabling And Disabling Offline Files Windows 7.

Hello everyone,
My friends were having a discussion on Offline Files Windows 7. Can anyone explain to me what they are? How are these files enabled to be used?

Hello everyone,
My friends were having a discussion on Offline Files Windows 7. Can anyone explain to me what they are? How are these files enabled to be used?
When a user works on files on a network, he/she can make the files available for offline use, i.e. it can be accessed even when there is no internet connection.
When the file is made available offline then Windows creates a copy of that file and then stores it on the user’s computer.
The following procedure describes how a user can enable them on Windows 7.
Note: – The user must be logged in as an administrator to perform the task
1. Open Control Panel (icons view)
2. Click on “Sync Center”.
3. In the left pane, click on “Manage Offline Files”.
4. A small window appears on the screen. To enable, click on “enable offline files”.
5. Click on the OK button. A restart message will pop up. Click on Yes button.
6. When the user restarts the computer, the offline files will be enabled