DVD Decrypter Failed to set data for ‘DVDDecrypterPlayDVDMovieOnArrival’


DVD Decrypter

DVD Decrypter
I have read the problem that you have with DVD Decrypter. If an application crashes, there some chances that the application will no longer run on the computer. However you can reinstall the application at any time to solve the problem. Here are some tips to get rid of this ‘DVDDecrypterPlayDVDMovieOnArrival’ problem.
Firstly start DVD Decrypter as an administrator and then close it to allow DVD Decrypter to set registry key.
If you are running in XP this should be enough for you, but if you are running in vista you have to repeat it every time you start DVD Decrypter. Otherwise Vista will give you DVDDecrypterPlayDVDMovieOnArrival and other registry errors again and again.
To get rid of the problem once and for all, right click the DVD Decrypter shortcut icon and choose Advanced options on the shortcut tab and select run as administrator option for every shortcut for DVD Decrypter.
That’s it. Your ‘DVDDecrypterPlayDVDMovieOnArrival’ problem will never be bothering you.