Do you know the difference?

I have found many people having problem with the differences between them while it’s important to know the difference between Multiplexing and Multiple Accessing. Multiplexing refers to information transmission from one place to another place whereas Multiple Access refers to the technique by which the information is shared from one place to another.
Multiple access uses network as a resource while multiplexing uses link as a resource. Multiple access uses matrix as its terminal connectivity while multiplexing uses terminal connectivity by the use of point to multi point for the connection. The control is distributed in the multiple access while the control is at terminal in Multiplexing.
Multiplexing is sending multiple signals or streams of information on a carrier at the same time in the form of a single, complex signal and then recovering the separate signals at the receiving end.
Telegraphy, the earliest communication technology using electrical wires is based on multiplexing. Initially two separate messages are made to travel in opposite directions simultaneously.
Multiple Accessing allows several terminals connected to the same multi-point transmission medium to transmit over it and to share its capacity.
Example: GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) technology is based on multiple access method.
In OSI model there are seven layers. The first is physical layer and the second being Data link layer. Multiplexing is provided by the Physical Layer of the OSI model, while multiple accessing is part of the Data Link Layer.
Multiple access provides dedicated resources to the user (with a time constraint) in contrast to multiplexing where no resources are provided.
Additional hardware (demultiplexer) is required at the receiving end to separate signals in multiplexing. In case of multiple accessing no additional hardware is necessary at the receiving end.
Hence to say in simple terms if there are more than one source of signal multiplexing is implemented to transmit the signals together whereas multiple accessing make the channel dedicated to the particular signal for fixed time.
Multiplexing or muxing is a method of sending or transmitting multiple signals or streams of information over a communication link simultaneously in the form of a single, complex signal. The receiver then picks up the separate signals, a process called demultiplexing or demuxing. There are two reasons why networks use multiplexing.
One is to make it possible for any network device to talk or communicate to any other network device without the need to dedicate a connection for every pair. Two is to make a scarce or expensive resource stretch further like when sending many signals down each cable or fiber strand running between major metropolitan areas or across one satellite uplink.
Multiple access is a method that allows multiple mobile users share the allocated spectrum in the most effective way. Because spectrum is limited, sharing is required to enhance the overall capacity over a geographical area. This is performed by allowing the available bandwidth to be used simultaneously by different users.
A cellular system splits or divides any allocated area into cells wherein a mobile unit in every cell can communicate with a base station.