Digital Signature In Word 2010: Steps To Follow.

I have to attach digital signature in Word 2010 to make my report get completed. Can anybody help me by letting me know how to do it?

I have to attach digital signature in Word 2010 to make my report get completed. Can anybody help me by letting me know how to do it?
For digital signature in Word 2010, follow these steps:
Step 1: In Microsoft Word or Excel, open the document.
Step 2: Cursor or pointer should be placed at the place where you want, to begin with, your signature.
Step 3: Click Insert, then Text section, click signature line.
Step 4: Click OK when Microsoft Office digital signatures window appears.
Step 5: Enter the information that you want below your signature.
Step 6: After finishing, click OK.
Step 7: In a box, type your name or Select Image to choose a signature image.