Difference betweem assembly and compiled languages

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

How is both translated as compiled languages ​​into machine language faster assembly. I am about to be really compiled languages ​​are spoken in native code not C # or Java, which translated to an intermediate language that is compiled by a software interpreter, etc. and then compiled into native code .

Answered By points N/A #188006

Difference betweem assembly and compiled languages



Assembly is the main language that is being run which is inside the executable files of any OS.

Developers create programs in human understandable languages, such as, C++, C#, Java etc. The compilers/interpreters read the code, and turn it into Assembly language. Then, depending on the target OS, the compiler/interpreter turns the Assembly into the executable files which is easily parsed to the machine via OS and the machine runs the program.

Mainly, the intermediate language is not Assembly, it’s just a more understandable language to the compiler for creating any executable file, optionally linked with various libraries.

There are different compilers/interpreters for different languages with distinct from its working method, intermediate language and performance.

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