Developing a web-based chat platform

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -


I'm a fourth year student taking up BS Computer Science and I'm interested of developing a chat platform myself. For programmers here, what language should I use or learn?

Answered By 0 points N/A #195433

Developing a web-based chat platform



Your question reminds me my 4th year project in last year. I also developed a chat. I recommend C# on ASP.Net platform to develop the chat. You can do some advance things with C#.

I recommend java also. Because a lot of chat sites in the internet has developed using java. And it also support for the mobile applications. So you can develop a mobile version of your chat if you use java as your language.

If you want to design a chat Bot you need learn more advance mechanism like NLP (Natural Language Processing). NLP is AI (Artificial Intelligence) based mechanism and bit difficult to learn.

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