Define Microsoft Dropbox Sign In And Details.

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Last night I was trying to sign in the dropbox but failed badly. Can you please help me in getting details about microsoft dropbox sign in? Reply ASAP.

Image result for microsoft dropbox siGN
Best Answer by Sharath Reddy
Answered By 0 points N/A #295534

Define Microsoft Dropbox Sign In And Details.


It is very easy to create a dropbox account. First step you need to do is go to a dropbox page and click on create an account. You will be prompted to a new page you have to fill all the your details and then click on continue. You also will have to add you phone number and alternate email id so that your account remains protected when you lost your password. Hope this helps.

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 590495 points N/A #295845

Define Microsoft Dropbox Sign In And Details.


Before you can use Dropbox, you need first to sign in to your account. Go to Dropbox Homepage and sign in to your account. If you don’t have an account, you need to create one to use the service. When signing in, you have two options: sign in using your Google account or by email address.

If you don’t want to use your Google account to sign in and you don’t have an existing account yet, click “create an account” to sign up and use a different email address not your Gmail. When you are finished, sign in to your account and you are now ready to use Dropbox as your cloud storage.

Dropbox login screen

You can also check “Remember me” to keep your account logged in even after closing the window. Uploading files to Dropbox can be done in two ways: first, from the web browser, and second, using the Dropbox app. Uploading files using the web browser is limited to 20 MB only. Higher than this you need to use the Dropbox app.

Uploading files using the Dropbox app has no file limitations. You can upload a file as big as you want but it has to be smaller than 2 GB because free or personal Dropbox accounts are limited only to 2 GB.

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