Data Source — SQLite3 – Error

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

When I am trying to connect to a SQLite3 db on the Data Sources I get the following error: 

I have checked that the db file has no errors via Firefox SQL Lite Manager. 

I really need to find a solution for this problem.

Please help me.



 3 of 3 tables were loaded.

 The following errors were encountered:

 Table: SCHEMA_MIGRATIONS    java.sql.SQLException: not yet implemented at org.sqlite.MetaData.getImportedKeys(

Table: SQLITE_SEQUENCE java.sql.SQLException: not yet implemented at org.sqlite.MetaData.getImportedKeys(

Table: USERS java.sql.SQLException: not yet implemented at org.sqlite.MetaData.getImportedKeys(

Answered By 55 points N/A #93481

Data Source — SQLite3 – Error


Seems that you are messing up with the key configuration in each table. Make sure that the keys are correctly placed and are being used on correct attributes of the table. Also check the dependencies between tables and import any key from one table to another as the foreign key. You can also use triggers to throw exceptions or to handle them if you don't know exactly what is causing the error. Also make sure that the sample data that you are using is the correct format data and is not mismatching its data type of the attribute. After that, close the SQL lite and run it again to see if the problem is still there. Then you have to contact some professional person

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