Damaged antenna on our router

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We have the WRT54Gv2 which we had for about 5 years now. It had been working marvelously when it comes to Internet stability. Two days ago, our wireless signal was not that stable and my mobile phone could not connect from my room at home. I checked the router only to find out that one antenna was broken. 

What do we need to buy, the HGA7T or the HGA7S? What's the difference between the two?
Best Answer by Elaine Cruz
Answered By 0 points N/A #116337

Damaged antenna on our router

  • I would suggest you to buy HGA7T antenna as it having a TNC connector and compatible with WRT54Gv2 router. This antenna has many benefits as if it increases the wireless coverage and has 360-degree coverage. It is also easy to install.
  • Some of the differences between these two antennas are as follows. HGA7T has a TNC connector and HGA7S has a SMA connector. HGA7T are mostly used with Linksys routers and they are compatible too. These antennas are also compatible with access points like WRT54GS, WRT54G, etc.
  • HGA7S antennas are compatible with wireless adapters and wireless bridges. This is necessary for some routers.
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #116338

Damaged antenna on our router

  • If I am to choose between HGA7T vs. HGA7S antenna, I would go to HGA7T for the kind of router you have.
  • HGA7T – is commonly used for Linksys routers and not much an issue of compatibility. This can be used in WRT54GS, WRT54G, BEFW11S4, WAP54G type or model of router.


  • HGA7S – has only 1 antenna mostly used and compatible for wireless adapters. Can be used in WMP54GS, WMP54G, WET54G, WET54GS5 Linksys model and often used for Wireless Bridge.
  • I would say, I'll go for HGA7T because it doesn't have single antenna and can broadcast full swing of wireless signal.
HGA7T vs. HGA7S antenna

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