Cool edit manual in greek

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I have a Greek friend who wants to edit audio to have special effects with Cool Edit Pro 2.1 with Build 3097.0 but doesn't have the manual so he couldn't maximize the potential of the application. Does anyone have the Cool edit manual in greek or can someone point me in the right direction on where I can download the Greek manual?

Answered By 0 points N/A #154998

Cool edit manual in greek



Cool edit pr 2.1 with build 3097.0 Software is available with tutorial links on the net. Now I am giving you a couple of links from where you can get all the information related to the Cool Edit Pro 2.1 software, One of the link is video tutorial. Now as per the Greek language goes. While installing the software you get the Language options from where you can set the desired language. You can check the settings. If you don't get the language change option, Then simply reinstall the software.


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