Communication Error An error occurred when attempting to download firmware

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I want to update my firmware of my Nokia phone and this error shows up. I don’t know what it means but I tried to make the update using Nokia suite with auto download and install. Does anyone have a solution for this error ? How can this be solved ?

Thank you !

Communication Error

An error occurred when attempting to download firmware information.


Service specific exception:


Answered By 590495 points N/A #183596

Communication Error An error occurred when attempting to download firmware


A communication error was encountered when you were trying to update your handset’s firmware. When you are doing the update, it is possible that you have a slow internet connection. If you are using a wireless internet such as 3G or 4G wireless broadband, make sure your area receives a good signal. If you have a poor signal reception, try transferring to another location where you can have a high reception.

But sometimes, having a high reception doesn’t guarantee the quality and speed of the connection. The speed of the connection depends on different factors. If you are accessing the internet during peak hours where lots of users are using the network, you can expect a poor speed even if you have a high signal.

It is always best to use the internet during off peak hours because other users are mostly asleep or if not at school or at work and they cannot use the internet. Another factor that can affect the speed is the temperature in your area. If you are living in a hot country or in a tropical country, there are times if the weather is very hot you will get a very slow connection but still having a high reception.

When it is raining, it also affects the speed. When you are connected to the internet and the rain suddenly pours, you will notice a sudden drop in the speed. In your case, if you are doing the firmware update during peak hours, try it again during off peak hours to have a better speed. You may also try reinstalling your Nokia PC Suite.

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