Comcast uses home routers to create public Wifi Hotspots.

Asked By 70 points N/A Posted on -
Comcast has been recently in the news post allegations from two California residents that the company has used their home router to create public Wi FI spots. Is there some truth to such allegations? Can my service provider use my router without my permission? What are the implications of such an action on me?


Answered By 0 points N/A #151852

Comcast uses home routers to create public Wifi Hotspots.


Yes, there is definite truth to the allegations. In an article I found at, Comcast admits that they are doing so, in an attempt  to give both residential areas and business areas continuous wifi coverage. 

However, they claim that outsiders won't be able to log into your personal account or get your personal information. They say that each router has two separate antennae – one public and one your own personal antennae – and thus criminals can't jump between the two. Also, you have to log into your own personal account to use your wifi, so unless a criminal is given your information, you should be safe.

There won't be any implications on you unless someone actually manages to use yours for illegal activity. But like I said, they'd need your login information.

However, if you feel like this is still an invasion on your privacy, I would either call them to get it turned off or log into their web site. Personally I'm on Charter, so I don't have that problem, as far as I know.

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