Colorize ini zend studio files

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I want to know how to colorize ini zend studio files? I am enamored with the colour combination during my younger years.  I love to do my coloring books then.  But in this computer years  I still wanted to bring out the youth in me despite ages.  Is there a possibility to receive a universal syntax for coloring or highlighting for ini files?

I haven’t seen any preference for this. When I am running PHP info from the studio it appears to be empty.  Where does zend studio was saved in php.ini.file?

I had installed it but nowhere to be found in my directory.  

Answered By 0 points N/A #171218

Colorize ini zend studio files


Hi Sutcliffe,

If you are using a different software you will need to have a plug in to handle specific types of files.

You can check ColorEditor, you can download the .jar file and then enter it into <Zend Studio directory for installation > / dropins. Restart Zend Studio, you can now open the file in a new editor and then right click choose Open With > Syntax Coloring Editor.

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