Can i use 2 id in single outlook at a same time

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

I am using Ms Outlook but recently change my CPU and now want to shift all those files or data to new one how can i do this, And can i Access Ms outlook latest feature in Linus and it is possible to sign in different mail id in single Ms outlook at the same time?

Best Answer by GordStive
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Answered By 5 points N/A #86831

Can i use 2 id in single outlook at a same time



I suggest you regarding your problems to beat these problems. If you are using ms outlook and you have to change to your CPU than for data travel from your old CPU to a new one not big issue you can easily do it correctly.

But the main thing is pleasing do like my suggestion. F; or example when you are using outlook 2007 and outlook 2003 than keep in mind that you go into the start menu and click on the export, after choosing an option to perform your relative function click to the next  and select a format or file type and go on  next. Then select a particular folder and click on next for further procedure. You will see like to save the exported file as  and click next  confirm it and click on finish.

For your another part of the problem you set up an email and account for each user. For the use of two different signing must be configured both profiles with appropriate email accounts. If you have the same profiles than you cannot receive mails in different accounts in a different form.

Answered By 590495 points N/A #86832

Can i use 2 id in single outlook at a same time


Microsoft Outlook doesn't have identity feature. You can add email address as many as you want in Microsoft Outlook but you can't switch users. You'll going to share 1 log-in and inbox, or create specific folder for each email address added.

Compare to Outlook Express, where it has this identity feature. You can create an identity that you can create their own log-in username and password.

Unfortunately, the upgraded version of MS Outlook regardless what version has no feature like this compare to the Windows XP's Outlook Express.

Remove the MS Outlook and install Outlook Express to enjoy this feature.


Answered By 0 points N/A #86833

Can i use 2 id in single outlook at a same time


I can propose two ways to get your problem done, but it will depend on the way you want to use it. The first one, could be easier, this way can be achieved by making lots of folders and then you direct the messages to all of the folder created based on the email address.

This is how to do it one by one, in this step you probably will need to set up rules, the good news is it won’t take long.
Now go to outlook express (in this case I use outlook for XP, but if you use 2003 version of outlook, it is okay, because the process might be the same).
1. Select wizard to create rules from the tools menu
2. Select new, a box will pop and you will need to choose “Start from a blank rule”.  Make sure to select the “Check messages when they arrive” too.
3. After selecting everything, click next, now you have options, choose “with specific words in the recipient’s address”. Later you click the option to underlined “Specific words”, example [email protected], press add and then click ok
4. Next again, now (“What do you want to do with this message”), choose “Move to specified folder”. Again, click underlined word “Specified” and choose the folder.
5. Next again, you can add exception rules if you want
6. Next again. What you need to do now is to give names for the rule and click finish.
7. Just click ok for the rest.
That is for the first solution, now for the other solution, I suggest to do this if you don’t like the idea to use three folders and want to store email in a set of folders, to do this you might like the idea to create three accounts that is different to each other in Outlook.
But you can create three profiles rather than create three accounts, the profiles will separate your data. Let’s go to the step:
1. Delete two accounts you already created in the outlook profile
2. Choose Mail settings, then press start > control panel > mail. Choose Show profiles and later choose Add.
3. All you need to do now just proceed and follow every instruction to create profiles, you need to have all the information needed for ISP or POP account (Acc names, passwords, etc.)
4. Repeat the process until you have three profiles, you will need to give each profile clear and different name that is easy to differentiate.
5. If you already have three profiles, you have to choose the radio button beside the “Prompt for a profile to be Used”. After that just click ok
6. Now, each time you use Outlook it will ask which profile you want to use. Just select the one you want and everything will work fine.
Other tips: you can access all of the three accounts easier using classic view, better than viewing using category view, otherwise you will have difficulties to find mail.
That is the method I propose, surely it is easier to manage three email accounts in Outlook, not with the problem when we manage Internal revenue tax code.
Good luck

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