Can I transfer presets from Adobe CS3 to CS6?

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

I am thinking of getting Photoshop CS6. Currently, I am using CS3 and I have a lot of presets. Is there a way to migrate my presets from CS3 to CS6? If there is, how do I go about it? If I will use my CS6 in my new Mac and my CS3 is from a Windows desktop, will I still be able to migrate the presets?

Answered By 0 points N/A #155732

Can I transfer presets from Adobe CS3 to CS6?


Yes! You can migrate presets to your CS6 from any previous versions of CS (x) as far back as CS3. When you launch for the first time your Adobe Photoshop CS6, it automatically asks to migrate preset from a previous version you installed on your PC or by choosing edit>Presets>Migrate Presets.

You can still migrate your CS3 presets from your PC to your CS6 on Mac by simply choosing Edit>Presets>Export then specify a folder for your presets and copy that folder to your Flash drive or other external storage devices.

Insert your Flash drive or other external storage to your Mac, then launch CS6, if prompted to migrate presets from previous version, then just cancel and proceed to manual transfer of preset by choosing Edit>Presets>Import then browse to locate the preset folder you’ve just copied from your external storage and then click Ok. Some presets need to re-launch CS6 before it will function.

Important: Some presets are designed only for CS6 and some are for CS5

Here is the list of presets you can migrate

  • Actions
  • Black and White (Adjustment)
  • Brushes
  • Channel Mixer (Adjustment)
  • Color Range
  • Color Swatches
  • Contours
  • Curves (Adjustment)
  • Custom Shapes
  • Doutones (Mono, Dou, Tri, Quad)
  • Exposure (Adjustment)
  • Gradients
  • HDR Toning (Adjustment)
  • Hue and Saturation (Adjustment)
  • Keyboard Shortcuts
  • Levels (Adjustment)
  • Lighting Effects
  • Lights (3D)
  • Materials (3D)
  • Menu Customization
  • Patterns
  • Render Settings (3D)
  • Repousse (3D)
  • Selective Color (Adjustment)
  • Styles
  • Tools
  • Volumes (3D)

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