Can I Add A Guest Account To WiFi?

Asked By 50 points N/A Posted on -

I have three teenager boys with friends over all the time. They stream and slow down my internet connection when they are over. Can I add a second account for guest only  with a cable mobile router? Will this help speed up the connection for me when they are here?

Answered By 0 points N/A #191820

Can I Add A Guest Account To WiFi?

There are various steps that can use or add the guest account in your WiFi.
First you need to turn on your guest networking. There are many routers support the guest networking.
It can create the additional SSID for the gaining access of the guest to your internet connection.
You need to enable the guest networking that can mange your router's interface. This has done by open the browser and type the IP address.
You can use CMD prompt ipconfig.

You can enable the guest network settings

You can also provide the password protects network. You can keep your share folders,printers or servers in protected area. You need to expand the "all network" option and click the radio buttons that can use the password protected sharing. 

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