I have seen press release reviews on forums and I am thinking of using it. What are press release script features do you highly recommend and that are useful. Another thing, can this be a scam or something? I think I have seen something on the net saying something like that. Do help!
Best press release script features?
There are some important features like:
1) The credibility of the service, all the information should be accurate and information sources should be verified.
You can check for that by reading users' reviews of the press release platform.
2) Paid services are always better but you should make sure the service is worth the money. Paying too little usually means you will pay for nothing and just waste your money, also you don't need to pay too much for features you don't need.
3) To avoid scams you can simply look for a press release script with money back guarantee.
Best press release script features?
FlexPHP News
This news publishing script is a free PHP news management script. It provides the most cost effective and time saving method of publishing, editing, and revising news and articles. It is specifically developed for SEO or Search Engine Optimization. It includes some helpful tools for web marketing and is also an SEO friendly.
Among its features include checking of article for plagiarism, article meta tag setup, release management and article categories, checking article views, and more. This is a free news publishing script.
Max’s News System
It is a news management tool integrated with WYSIWYG editor. This news publishing script can easily be installed by simply uploading it to your web server. You don’t need to have a database for the news because the scripts save the news on the web server as files. You only need to make sure that your web hosting site supports PHP to use this script.
Changing the style will be very easy if you know your way around CSS because the script uses CSS. This is a free news publishing script.