Attempting to install WikkaWiki into my localhost

Asked By 7060 points N/A Posted on -

I am attempting to install WikkaWiki into my localhost. On the other hand I received an error message with configuration. Some Suggestions?

Writing configuration.
Writing configuration.
Writing configuration file Wikka.config.php…. FAILED

WARNING: The configuration file wikka.config.php could not be written. You will need to give your web server temporary write access to either your wikka directory or a blank file call wikka.config.php ( touch wikka.config.php ; chmod 666 wikka.config.php; don't forget to remove write access again later, i.e. chmod 644 wikka.config.php). If for any reason, you caanot do this, you will have a copy , the text below into a new file and save / upload wikka.config.php into the wikka directory. Once you've done this, your wikka site should work. If not please visit wikka:WakkaInstallation.

Try Again

Answered By 35 points N/A #85017

Attempting to install WikkaWiki into my localhost


Hi there,

The problem here is you need to set write permissions to wikka.config.php.You can use chmod command for this.Open the terminal navigate to your wamp or xampp directory, open the directory which contains the wikka.config.php and then use this command

Chmod 777 wikka.config.php

Now you have given write permissions to this file.If it does not work then give permissions to all the files that require permissions, which you will know in the error.

Syntax: chmod 777 filename.php

Another simpler option is to give write permissions to the entire Wikka directory.In this case everything will work fine. This might be useful-


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