Hi and good day TechyV Friends and Pals!
I am bored of every log-in on a website everyday using my own computer. My question is, is there a way to get rid of every log-in on a website every now and then? If yes, how? How to use asp auto login website script? Any help would be nice. Thank you very much.
Kate Kknisely
Asp auto login website script
You said you are bored for everyday logging-in into your accounts to any websites. I suggest you to check the “remember my password”, “Remember me” or “keep me logged in” so that for every visit you do in the site it will automatically directed to your account. Thank you. I hope it help you to solve your problem.
Asp auto login website script
When you try to login to any site, after inputting your username and password, there is an option called "Remember Me" or "Keep me logged in". Just tick the check box if you don't want to re-type your login details repeatedly.
And oftentimes, when you enter a new account, the browser has an option to "Remember the Password" that you just entered. Click the button to confirm it and your password will be saved. The browser will securely store your account details and automatically fill the login page when you next visit the site.