The application X11 could not be opened

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Hi experts,

When I try to open the software Mac Pro Lion I am facing this error. The error gives me only two options either to report the problem or to quit the program. It is not helping me to ignore the error. How to continue without this error message? Does anyone know how to fix the error? Please guide me with some information. Thank you.

The application X11 could not be opened.

An error occurred while starting the X11 server: “Cannot open log file “/Users/cody/Library/Logs/X11/org.macosforge.xquartz.log””

Click Quit to quit X11. Click Report to see more details or send a report to Apple.

Answered By points N/A #193400

The application X11 could not be opened



This looks like there is something wrong with the program so it is quitting.

Press “Quit” to terminate the application. Or, you can do this with terminal also. Open a terminal, run the following command:

killall X11

Now, uninstall XQuartz and install the latest one. Download the latest XQuartz.

Also, remove some .plist file from certain directory. Delete the files with .plist extension fom “~/Users/yourusername/Library/Preferences”.

Now XQuartz will work OK for sure.

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