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Posted on - 12/19/2012
While installing ApacheTomcat-6.0.36 I am getting the security warning as the file does not have a valid signature that verifies its publisher.
You should only run software from publishers you trust.
What should I want to do may I continue running or else have to quit installing this.
Apache Tomcat installation problem give a solution
When you install an application downloaded from the web, a dialog box appears and says, “The file does not have a valid signature that verifies its publisher. You should only run software from publishers you trust.” It is typically as a safety precaution of the computer.
It is actually up to you if you trust the website you’ve downloaded it from.
Apache Tomcat installation problem give a solution
Dear Jeevitha,
Here, you are trying to install ApacheTomcat-6.0.36 and getting security warning. There are some possibilities behind this security warning. First of all your software might not be genuine. Secondly it might not register authentically. Thirdly, publisher server is sending error message. So try to find out real cause and resolve it. If any query we are here please let us know.
Best wishes-
Devid James