Anyone help to create scannable tickets from Excel

Asked By 70 points N/A Posted on -

Dear Experts,

I have a question for you. Is there any provision in MS Excel 2007 to create scannable tickets? If its possible please share the detailed way how to create scannable tickets from excel 2007 or any other version

Answered By 5 points N/A #151658

Anyone help to create scannable tickets from Excel


Hello Ave,

You can scan you tickets with Barcode Checker software who let you scan your barcode tickets for your event. Put your barcodes in Excel and import the Excel file. To create excel file with barcodes make table for barcode, ticket type and name. More details about how to scan your tickets from Excel you can get on this link in section named Option 2:

I hope this tip will help you.


Williamson Mellisa

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