Any way to create two terminal emulator Ubuntu with the script

Hello, I have two scripts I need to run up when I started up my Ubuntu machine.
Is there any way to create two terminal emulator Ubuntu with the script?

Hello, I have two scripts I need to run up when I started up my Ubuntu machine.
Is there any way to create two terminal emulator Ubuntu with the script?
It is very much possible to open two emulators, Same time on your Ubuntu OS machine. There are quite a few feature full emulators available on the internet, Here is the few Terminal Emulators Terminator – Its good if you want to see all the process at the same time.
Best in class, Guake – Its a less configurable, Have some advanced features, Now I am sending a link where you can get more information and how to download.Â
you can use Init scripts which are the scripts that are in /etc/init.d. All the scripts in the init script will run at the boot up sequence. During boot, they are not called directly, but through a structure of symbolic links which manage the services which are to be started in a particular runlevel. The scripts which are symlinked from /etc/rcS.d are executed first. Then the scripts in /etc/rcN.d/ are executed, with N being the chosen runlevel (default 2).
The LSB specifies some scripts that are used for displaying the output of the initscripts. For more information on LSb look into /lib/lsb/init-functions in the Ubuntu forum.
Alternatively, you could follow the instructions given below
To install your own script, copy it to /etc/init.d, and make it executable, run the commands below in the terminal
sudo cp myscript /etc/init.d sudo chmod +x /etc/init.d/myscript
To make the script run with the start argument at the end of the start sequence, and run with the stop argument at the beginning of the shutdown sequence:
sudo update-rc.d myscript defaults 98 02
98 and 02 are the start and stop sequence which decide how early and late a service is started and killed.
These numbers lies between 00 and 99.