Android 5.0 will be released soon

Android 5.0 will be released soon, can I upgrade my old android phone with the Android 5.0 once released?

Android 5.0 will be released soon, can I upgrade my old android phone with the Android 5.0 once released?
Yes,A good news for Android Lovers, Android 5.0 will be called Jelly Bean.
According to different press releases and other tech sites, the Google Android 5.0 is coming on the second quarter of 2012 (Probably on May 2012). Another reason may be because Windows 8 will be launched on third quarter of 2012, so it is possible that to compete with Windows 8 (tablet) Google is launching Android 5.0 before Windows 8.
Hello Mathew,
Hiroshi Lockheimer, vice president of engineering for mobile at Google, suggested that the Android 5.0 a.k.a. "Jelly Bean" will be released in the fall of 2012 and the goal is to assist the Google tablet movement which so far didn't had the expected impact. But according to other publications, The "Jelly Bean" is most likely to be released in June 2012 around the Google I/O conference, before Windows 8 which is expected in the third quarter of 2012.
Also, you can upgrade your Android phone to this OS once it is released.