Add more slide with a Slide of MS Powerpoint.

How to I add one more slide with a slide for showing together for creating presentation of MS Powerpoint and how to I save it?

How to I add one more slide with a slide for showing together for creating presentation of MS Powerpoint and how to I save it?
Hello Mshumon,
You cannot show 2 slides at a time in your presentation. You need to show it one by one.
Else put the contents of both the slides in one single slide by partitioning the slides. This can be done by drawing a line in between the slide.
Hello there,
You cannot present two slides at a time, not that I know of. But I can give you a tool that can zoom in or out while presenting the slides & also can move the slides together. Eventually giving you the power to show 2 slides at a time.
The tool can be downloaded from here
Hope this will work.