Active Directory: How to save queries?

I have windows 2003 ad setup in my office and do regular checks on disabled users and some other general checks by using the search filter methods .

I have windows 2003 ad setup in my office and do regular checks on disabled users and some other general checks by using the search filter methods .
To create the Saved Query. Follow these instructions.
1. Open ADUC, right click Saved Queries > New > Query
2. Define Query > Custom Search > Advanced tab > paste the LDAP filter here, that is
1. This shows all contacts
2. This shows all Security Groups
3. This shows all Distribution Groups
4. This shows all NTLogins with mailbox
5. This shows all NTLogins without mailbox
Save this query and this will now always give you an up to date list of objects meeting this criteria. I have given you 5 different types out of 100's and you need to save each as a separate saved query.
At the end you will have 5 different saved queries.
Thank you so much Sharath.
I really appreciate you.
I have searched all over the internet for the solution for filtering contacts in the ADUC. Atlast i found it.
It really helped me to save some time on filtering contacts.
Thank you.
Thank you so much Mr.Sharath and to the website.